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Good night all,

I am almost in anxiety, I am going in to a deep situation and I cannot stop thinking about it…

I am in love and in a relationship with a boy, we both love each other, and we are ready to get married and start a life from 0 together, without anything…

The issue is that the boy is not from my country… He’s from the country I am living in… But both have the same religion and both are like soulmates… The only thing is the language and the country… Other culture…

I am afraid now from telling my parents they are strict parents,they reject to get married to someone they Dont know the family and stuffs like those and I don’t know how they will take this when I will tell them… Am afraid if they reject, and the worst take from me all my things car, phone, pc, tablet, everything…

What should I do? How I should tell them without a instantly rejection? Did someone happened this with them before?

Please help…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @knowshowitfeelslike
1 reply
Profile picture for Now&Me member @knowshowitfeelslike

Sanjay @knowshowitfeelslik...

I think you should tell them in such a way that they feel that you are asking them for their opinions that you will do nothing without their permission or their consent

Make sure they feel that they have some importance.

I wonder you wrote that they will take your tablet phone
You don’t have tension about
That you then can’t marry the man you love

But its okay
You know your parents better so tell them in that they not get offended

Maybe this helps :)


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