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Going through a bad breakup…was ignoring from 2 months but I think now it’s time to process things! Life’s been so weird and messed up lately! I’m so lost!

4 replies

Janmesh @janmesh

Hey i’m sorry to hear that but you’re strong and you’ll heal soon:)
If you wanna talk about anything i’m all ears!


I’ve got soo impatient with thsi healing process…it takes me soo long to let go of things! Last time it took me more than an year…idk… I’m just not ready to accept the things what happened! Like I’ve been always good to people but then why would anyone so anything if that sort to me! It’s soo hard to accept!

Janmesh @janmesh

So you need to talk it all out of you and talk until you feel better so i’m here if you wanna talk:)


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