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Girl’s perspective about their bodies:

Just looking at myself in the mirror disgusts me.

Because you see those stretch marks on my thighs? It means I’m fat and I can’t walk on a summer day with shorts without having them burning me by touching each other.

You see this stomach fat? I eat to much and no one likes a person with that right? Everyone just loves that skinny girl, with her perfect body that she can put on display. I know she probably feel bad about their body too but I can’t help feeling jealous towards her.

You see my face? It’s chubby, I don’t have a jawline nor do I have a good face shape.

Just look at my body in general… it’s horrible, who would ever want this? Who would ever want me?

⚠︎︎Stop trying to find a difference between guys and girls, both have problems, both have feelings. Everyone keeps judging by gender and ignoring the other one, trying to find a mistake and being right. But you’ll never find that. Both are raised differently, yet both genders suffer from this « gender » war⚠︎︎

(I’m going to do a guy’s perspective soon)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_someone_
17 replies

This gender war is inevitable. People will never ever stop judging you and this is a fact. The judgement level can be reduced but it will never diminish.

And I’m sorry if you’re going thru some shit.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_someone_

I agree. But I’m not going through this right now, I’m talking on the behalf of every girl thinking like this, which is very sad. I will also talk on the behalf of some guys who can agree, I’m going to write it right now


Even own parents will judge… Never ending war…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_someone_

These past years are horrible, people are judging no matter what and even parents! I’m sorry that happened <3


Ya I just wish my parents will realize how deep scars they’re causing.

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @_someone_

It’ll be okay! If you need to vent I’m here <3


these dating apps have too created such ‘judgy thing’ among teens

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @_someone_

Dating apps aren’t the only problem, everything depends on how you were born, on your surroundings and on what you believe/see. But I agree


Hyee, thanks for making me feel better… <3

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @_someone_

You shouldn’t thank me <3 It’s a normal thing to do

Aakifah @kifah

The way I could feel the truth in each sentence

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @_someone_

I’m sorry if you’re going through this <3 I’m here to talk if you need to


Sucks how everyone is entitled to have an opinion on our bodies. I’m a skinny girl and am subject to equal bullying <\3

Aakifah @kifah

I am sorry you have to go through that
I am actually not fat but just chubby and get alot of judgement cuz of that
It’s crazy how the world has to judge everyone
Oh you are too skinny
Oh you are too fat
We are perfect the way we are

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @_someone_

I understand that, and I’m sorry! I knew skinny girl, fat girl, chubby girl and other type of girl are also having those thoughts <3 If you need to vent I’m here!


You’re an angel. Thank you so much for these words! I’m here as well anytime you want to talk. I hope good things happen to you soon :)

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @_someone_

Same goes to you! <3


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