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Genuine involvement in other peoples private nightmares is too hard to bear🥲🥲

4 replies

I was a loner and didn’t realize I was one in that I had friends but I did not you know get to know or wanted to be attached to them on an emotional level…
But now that I have a really good friend and the thing is we talk almost every day Or chat maybe for no apparent reason and I only realise now that these are actually normal things and it’s scary when you become distant all of a sudden… I’m sorry for the long tale …
What I want to say is that all kinds relationships are messy in a sense and not perfect and if you care or love someone you’d have to be prepared to be hurt also and it takes practice to be a good friend too… But first of all you’d have to be stronger… Take this as an opportunity to be strong or grow as a strong person


Wowww…it seems like what I actually wanted to hear…like yeah it gets hard sometimes but the things you’re doing for that person matters the most…even though I wanted to leave that situation and run but something in me stops me and I stayed rather than leaving…haha I mean I just tried what I’ve never done in my life…like I always run from people but in this situation I didn’t wanted to leave him…thank you tho…for you words😊it actually gave me some strength…


Happy it helped man… All the best


Thank you…have a nice day bud


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