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β€ΊSelf Esteemβ€ΊThought


From 17 to 24 I always believed to not judge other’s actions, or see their actions in the black and white, since I might not be knowing whole story or their circumstances, but over the time I realised, it was effecting my moral stance;
Since I started thinking it’s always important to consider how other person feels when we look their actions, why they must have done something, so i started to give myself same considerations, and when we tend to give importance how we feel when we judge ourselves,that’s a bloody trap. It degrades our standards, and there is no point of living with low standards of morals, so now I have drawn a conclusion which I feel to be better.

It is that I can empathise people for doing something but I better judge their actions as binary good and bad to get the crux of wisdom to keep my standards high…
Additionally if we don’t judge ourselves and others where will we position ourselves when it comes to taking stands, and also how will we aim for correction if we dont acknowledge something bad/wrong.

Would like to know everyone’s views.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lucky_star
4 replies

I agree. No matter what the intentions are. If an action is bad and if it hurts someone, it is bad


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