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Profile picture for Now&Me member @unluckyheart

frozen boy @unluckyheart

Friends what is friends
Friendship is nothing but a tool which u only play n throw
Either u play or get played by them
Its just painful to see everyone enjoying without u
Cuz it makes u feel your existence doesn’t matter anywhere
But on the other hand if u take it as positive it mean you are strong enough to live alone
I have no friends doesn’t mean i cant make friends
Making friends are far easier than boiling water lol
Just join a group of friends n treat them anything in canteen boom u hot friends
Feed them daily n they ll be ready to be your host n u can eat them like a paracite
But i never tried this even though i have few bucks i just hate friends
Cuz friends are nothing more than a tool who are selfish like hell
Person who match my vibe understand my feelings like my habits appreciate me help me encourage me
Hasn’t born maybe

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shivam444
Profile picture for Now&Me member @aesculus647
Profile picture for Now&Me member @unluckyheart
10 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @shivam444

Shivam @shivam444

Bro what is ur age

Profile picture for Now&Me member @unluckyheart

frozen boy @unluckyheart

18 probably

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aesculus647

Aesculus @aesculus647

Sounds like you’ve been abandoned or betrayed before by those who u called friends

Profile picture for Now&Me member @unluckyheart

frozen boy @unluckyheart

Yeh they were using me from the first place

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aesculus647

Aesculus @aesculus647

Then now is the chance to find new

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aesculus647

Aesculus @aesculus647


Profile picture for Now&Me member @unluckyheart

frozen boy @unluckyheart

Whats the need of tools(friends)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aesculus647

Aesculus @aesculus647

Friends can mean many things .from being simply made out of convenience for work or to being there to support you in your darkest…you must not give up, keep looking and working hard

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aesculus647

Aesculus @aesculus647

You will find the right ines

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aesculus647

Aesculus @aesculus647

Remember, this world is not a merciful place, you must not let that fire to keep getting back up die…that is exactly what they want…to keep you down


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