Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Jen T @kjetjr

for the past days my anxiety have been waking me up really early in the morning.

and there’s that fear as soon as i open my eyes that sadness will just fill me through.

I am tired

7 replies

You are really brave to wake up everyday and go through this. I am proud of you and I am sorry you have to go through this.

Jen T @kjetjr

Thank you, I appreciate this. I literally cried when I saw your reply 🥺


Whatever it is.It will paas some day.


For which u r worrying about?

Jen T @kjetjr

I am clinically diagnosed with anxiety that’s why


The fact that we wake up is a sign. And i hate this sign too😭😭 i wish i don’t wake up. I’d just die in my sleep.

Jen T @kjetjr

🥺🥺 I know the feeling


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