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Patrick @patrick

For the last couple of weeks I was thinking of quitting my job and to look for alternatives. I didn’t feel motivated anymore, didn’t like my colleagues that much and I thought that, overall, this is not my dream job.

Today I wanted to quit and wanted to stick with the decision. But a few hours into work, I suddenly had the feeling that it’s all ok and everything isn’t as bad as I thought it was.
While this is kind of a good feeling, I really don’t know what I should believe and what I should do anymore. Is what I’m feeling really how I truly feel OR is it just some nostalgic feeling or my body trying to cope with the fear of starting something new? Did anyone ever experience something similar?

7 replies

Hey! Yes ofcourse. It takes a lot of thought and deliberation before taking such a life-changing decision. What I personally feel is that you need to try and focus on what makes you TRULY happy and choose that as your career alternative. Give yourself the time and space to realise what you actually love doing. Maybe you do like your current job but are in a phase where you’re uninspired. Try getting that inspiration for your job back. If that doesn’t work, then look for alternatives. No point being dissatisfied :)


This is a beautiful world. You are in control of your life and of all your days. Do what makes you happy. Life is what YOU make of it!

Patrick @patrick


Thank you for your replies!
I quit today and it was a total relief. So I guess it was the right decision after all :)


So so so happy for you! I am glad you took the right decision for yourself Patrick. All the very best for the future :)

Ryan @ryan


Jobs are a massive part of our lives, quitting takes a lot of courage but it’s a great way to honor ourselves when we know it’s not right. I’m happy for you Patrick and wish you all the best for the future :)


i going through a similar thing. ive chosen this field but i dont really know if its my calling and keep guessing and second guessing my decision to have taken up this career path but i suppose uncertainties are a part of will just one of those things we have to deal with , i hope you gain some clarity and feel better buddy

Khushboo @khushboo


I can feel you. Uncertainties are always there. I hope your decision will be beneficial in future. All the best.


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