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For all the girls put there: What’s the first thing you observe when you meet a guy ?

21 replies

His personality


Face, honestly. I mean… if we’re talking of the first meeting ever, obviously, I see them physically, without knowing their personality. What attracts me personally is the smile, lips and eyes… skin… stuff like that. Then I look at their hands and hair and so on…


What would you do if the guy is fat ? Or you would still go for behavior!


Was this question meant for me or for the comment below mine? :))


No ! I am just asking you


Well then, I have met people that are fat and really attractive, and skinny and really unattractive… so yeah…
First comes physical attraction, cause that’s what you first notice. And they don’t even have to be attractive like perfect face or skinny and stuff like that.
I once liked a guy because he had this intense stare and big nose that suited him so well… he just looked handsome as hell without being conventionally attractive… you know what I mean?


Yes I got it!!


I asked you cause all girls tells that for them first behaviour and the nature of the guy matters ! Then at last they judge them on their appearance


I asked you cause all girls tells that for them first behaviour and the nature of the guy matters ! Then at last they judge them on their appearance


Some may be doing it that way… idk what to say… Honestly, behaviour can make a person more attractive… like if you see a person that’s not that good looking to you and they offer their place to an elder person or they do something nice and they are generally respectful and nice, I feel like you automatically see them as more attractive… and the same goes when you see a really attractive person behaving like trash… their attractiveness kinda disappears… gets overshadowed by their shitty behaviour…


Yeahh !! Loved💗 your thought ! Hope all thinks like that


And can I ask you that why girls are attracted more to the f* boys then a boy who is comparatively silent and simple


I think it depends on the girl…
Talking strictly about relationships… it may look like the “bad boy” seems tougher and more protective and manly than the quiter boy… which is not always the case, of course
It may be the looks too… if they have that sort of boyish obvious and loud mannerism, like when sitting they occupy a lot of space, running his hands through their hair and stuff like that… they just exude confidence… and looking like you are confident is attractive to some people


🙌👍! Ohh got it




His basic behaviour towards people around him

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Behaviour. Too loud too rude too nosy. Too forceful. Judgemental looks. Often checking phone. Looking around too often (makes us feel like they are already committed and looking for flings) sly smile. Looking at a girl’s clothes up and down. Judging what they eat. Placing the order on behalf of me without even asking me if I’m okay with it. Etc etc etc 😁


We look for a good smile. A smile tells us a lot about the heart. And or or two signs to show physical cues of a gentlemen

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