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For a few years now, I’ve known that I’m attracted to both men and women. Only recently I’ve come out to my friends and my brother about my sexuality. I am having trouble telling my mom about it, she is constantly bickering to me about how “boyish” I am, and I’m actually scared to tell her. Like while we are out, I can’t walk with my hands in the pockets or my hands at the back cause it seems Like I’m pushing my chests out, I can’t stand with hands on my waist because that’s how “guys” stand. I told her that there’s Absolutely no difference between guys and girls and she just couldn’t accept it, she starts comparing me to other people. She started shouting at me in front of so many people. I’ve been hearing all these taunts for a very long time now,I try to reason with her but she always shuts me up.
Please guys help me out, should I tell my mom or not?

3 replies

I haven’t come out to my parents yet and I don’t plan on, not anytime soon at least. as much as I would appreciate their support I just don’t think they’re ready for this. I know its easy to say some bs like ‘don’t think about what your mom is saying blah blah blah’ but I know how you feel. honestly it might not be as severe as yours (trust me I’m nt trying to make you feel bad) but my friends are in complete support of my sexuality and I’m very comfortable with keeping it that way. trying to reason with a parent can at times be very exhausting its as if my point of view doesn’t matter or like why do I even I have one you know? you don’t have to tell her, not yet. as far as the taunts go the best you can do it to ignore them, thats what I did when a few of my schoolmates were being the homophobic asshats they are


Hey! First of all, really proud of you for coming out to your friends and brother. That’s one step. All I’d like to say is that it’s your life and your life choices. Nobody else has any say in what you do whatsoever. I’d say take your time, slowly and gradually tell your mom.


Make your mom a little more comfortable, more friendly with you. Start sharing casual things with her and slowly and gradually discuss this with her.


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