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First time on here so it’s a little weird expressing my thoughts to strangers. I’ve been depressed most of my life but have managed to deal with it on my own. I have high anxiety and find it hard to have conversations with people. I hate small talk with strangers, never understood the point in it and I really dislike talking about tv shows and the like. So having a conversation with someone always feels so boring and can never find someone to talk about the real things going on in the world or have educated conversations. I never relate to those that are my age (30) I can usually relate to people older but feel weird doing so. Those my age prefer to drink all the time and that just seems like a waste of life to me. Anyway most days I think whats the point? I try and find things that interest me but they never seem to keep me interested. I have a deep sadness in me that grows each day and I don’t know how to shake it. I’ve tried exercise, yoga, meditation, all the things β€œthey” say to do but to no avail the feeling is still there.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @youareimportant
Profile picture for Now&Me member @garys25
8 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @youareimportant

Amrinderpreet @youareimportant


You are saying that u like being around people who are older than you coz you find their conversation interested rather than people in your age?


Correct. People my age talk about tv shows, instagram or facebook posts, I find it rather mind-numbing and become disinterested in the conversation.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @youareimportant

Amrinderpreet @youareimportant


Its such a nice choice of you for not drinking it up and getting it through your stomach. It really reflects that you know how to take good decisions in life. Awesome!
Talk about whatever you want over here and lets see where it takes you.
I think you just need to talk to people that matches your aura.


I agree with your last comment. It’s wading through the wave of people that make me feel like I’ll never find someone to relate to.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @youareimportant

Amrinderpreet @youareimportant


The people who tell you this are limited to their content and they are not mature enough, we can say and its not their fault either.
Do you have any friend or do you know someone who is older than you and you fit good with them?


I have a few acquaintances but not any close friends. People who I do get along with who happen to be older don’t seem to want to make a friendship… it’s an age gap thing I’m guessing

Profile picture for Now&Me member @youareimportant

Amrinderpreet @youareimportant


I have no problem listening to you at all. So, feel free to share here. And i understand it totally.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @garys25

i do understand your point of view somewhat because even my age is 30 and i to have some sort of sadness in my life which i need to figure out, but even in this situation i tried to find out things which can keep me distracted so that i don’t think about the sadness that i currently have, it might take time to find out things which make you forget all this but you should keep trying. it can be anything, for me its my playstation for you it can be music, books etc soo just keep on exploring.


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