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One Sided LoveThought


Finally I walked out of this one sided love toxic complicatedship. Every time I ask her a question in a polite manner way it always is a threat for her. April-May 2022 Mutual Agreements we had were nth for her though I understand we aren’t in a relationship yet but I want to set some basic principles. She only agreed to them just so she could use me at that moment for hangout, sex and trips. Now that she could travel with her bff since her bff recently got out of relationship, she no longer needs me. I asked her nicely since I was curious why all sudden change of IG and FB profile pictures she said she changed them every couple of months. Boom her followers and following on Instagram increased as well right after the changes. One random guy popped up on my suggested list and I looked at it if I may know him and booom it’s one of her mutual following/follower. So I asked her next day do you know him and she asked me all defensively saying “are you stalking me?” I said “no I don’t, I saw it on my IG suggested list to follow”. Fast forward she told me “why would you want to ask something that you won’t like to hear? We both are single and not in relationship so why does all that matter on whom I talk with?” So I said let’s call it off and she said “Noooo baby, please don’t” I told her that she forgot everything we both had mutual agreement upon, and she said that she didn’t do anything yet but I told her that she will in the future. She said that she likes to party and talk with people so I said I guess you forgot our mutual agreement. She said she don’t have that love connection with me and she tried. So I said what were all the words that you told me that you see future with me and all I love yous? She said you know I changed my mind a lot and very INDECISIVE. So I said that’s it and I am out and I have heard enough from you. It hurts me so bad and I felt so shitty, used and less valued and I felt like I am just your travel buddy, hangout buddy and sex buddy . That’s all I was all along and you hold me near you just so you could use me when no one was near you to keep up with your shit such as help you clean your house that u rented and now finally you back in ur hometown and no longer need me. Now YOU HAVE FRIENDS BACK IN UR HOMETOWN TO HANGOUT WITH AND UR GIRL BFF OUT OF RELATIONSHIP TO TRAVEL WITH YOU SO YOU NO LONGER NEED ME. I know for sure that she’s already talking with bunch to replace me with. This one sided toxic shitty complicatedship love SUCKS and I have cried 3 days straight. 😔

4 replies

Anchal Sharma @blessedmess

She is toxic bruh. Congrats on getting out of it.


“Hey I’m really sorry about everything I want you to know that I really care about you and I always will. I wish the best for you I just want you to be happy and I can’t give you that. I know you probably hate me right now but I feel like this needed to happen and we were just dragging it out. I had amazing moments and I wouldn’t change them for anything thank you for all you time, advice and memories. I’ll always remember you and I hope you can forgive me some day. “


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