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Few weeks back I joined this app when I was in a phase were I was not doing well mentally. Initially posted a lot about my breakup and you guys were really helpful. It gave me confidence that I am not alone in this and I started feeling better. But again this week has been a little off for me because I seriously cannot believe that I’m not with her anymore, all those promises that we will be together are just plain words now with no meaning. I feel very lonely and its been hard.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @arya_18
11 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @arya_18

Arya Ingle @arya_18



To be very honest, it’s okay to feel this way. Validate what you’re feeling and completely feel the hurt you’re feeling right now for this will only make you completely move on from a certain person. You’re not alone in this, you have us. I know breakups are hard but I do believe that you can’t hold onto people who just want to leave. And the once who are supposed to be with you will always find their way. Sending you lots of good vibes


I’m having trouble with the acceptance part I just can’t let go of what we had. Even though I don’t want to get back with her. But yes It’s causing me difficulties in moving on. I just don’t know how to acknowledge this because I think about the stuff she used to say and then again I’m back to the denial phase that we can’t be broken up.


This happened with me too…this is how breakups are for one half of the people. I know it just isn’t easy to accept the fact that there isn’t someone in your life who had a big place before but you don’t have to accept it in a day or two. It takes time. Time is the greatest healer. If you’ll hold on to this that you’re nothing without them then you can never see what life has further kept in store for you. You have to leave the ones who are not meant to be with you even if it hurts badly so that you can be with ones who are meant to be


Keep yourself busy and occupied, if your not busy your lind will start to wander to sad thoughts, so keep yourself busy, read books, watch some series, join a course, work out…


I honestly want to do all of it. But I don’t know why I don’t feel like it. I’m not getting the interest or motivation for that. Do you think it would be better if I just sit through it and do them or should I start with baby steps?


Definitely start with baby steps, sitting on it will make you over think and feel more bad, so better to keep yourself busy…




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