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Few days ago my bf and I came into fight. After that my bf started talking so so rudely and harshly, he said he’s tolerating me from months. He said I have being rude and arrogant to him at some point of our 5 yrs relationship and that’s why he wants to show how it feels when someone says hurtful things to you. I have tried to make him understand like everyday after the fight and he started fighting always. Today we met after longtime to communicate and I was so much depressed as I began to cry and he shouted at me and said, β€œDid i called you for this!! Stop crying!!!” I think he should have wiped my tears instead of shouting. What should I do ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shittylifefr
Profile picture for Now&Me member @akabhi
8 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @shittylifefr

sβ™‘ @shittylifefr


it’s common to have fights and misunderstandings in relationships. but after a certain extent, the other person should care for me no matter who is wrong. he can’t be harsh on you every time without listening to what you have to say. if you’re getting hurt and can’t open up about your feelings it’s better to end it. as hard as it is, either try to talk or if it doesn’t work, end it.


But I love him so much. And it’s so difficult for me to end this relationship


a relationship is all about love and trying to make it work. but if you’re giving your best and keeping effort and it doesn’t work, what good is it?
is it better to be in a relationship hurting yourself and not being able to end it THAN just living in a peaceful way and finding someone better?
think about it.

V @az78


Try to ask yourself, why exactly do you love him in the first place? What did he do during the initial days that made you feel that he is the one? Once you find this out try to find out how he has changed and whether those qualities still stand true. Now find other reasons that make you feel bad about him and use those to move on

V @az78


This seems abusive to me, he’s clearly trying to dominate you, I would suggest walking away


Today he said it’s not necessary if you don’t like anything to me you should speak up every time. Sometimes you have to stay silent as our Indian mothers do. Is it right?

V @az78


This is clearly a sign of establishing dominance, I have seen one of my distant uncle doing the same thing with my aunt. Trust me this ends badly for the recipient of the abuse and the abuser gets away unharmed. Walk away still have time, know your self worth, you can always find time to heal later.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @akabhi

Abhijeet A.K @akabhi


Try to talk to him when he is in good mood and don’t extend the past things and start a new one


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