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Feeling very lonely… there is no one who knows what I am going through …there is no one who understands. Feeling of getting rejected is worst feeling ever you always try to find validation from others …gaining weight and not able to stop the urge to binge eating always …Feeling empty from inside

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aditya_07
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nishant12
Profile picture for Now&Me member @zia_24
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @aditya_07

Aditya @aditya_07

Why don’t you talk to others?? Like they will help you in this ig

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nishant12

Nishant @nishant12

Don’t feel lonely. 💪


Is it that easy?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @zia_24

Ziizii @zia_24

Yahh! There is time when you feel like you are not worth it and don’t desere anything but it’s ok! That’s what life iss! People are mean to judge you! If you are slim they will judge you to eat! If you are healthy they will judge you to diet… What we can do is love yourself! Only us can accept our own self! Only Your heart knows how much you are going trough~ Its Ok! Hard time comes! Take a deep breath and move on! Everything will be alright! I am here for you💜


Thanks…it means a lot🥺


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