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Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

feeling the same back again

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee
Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt
8 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

What’s worrying you buddy?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

i don’t know

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

Your tag suggests you’re lonely. Would you like to share anything?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

i cant talk about what’s happening to me to my close one’s they think i am talking good means i am okay

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

Just share your heart out. I can understand that sometimes we tend to hide or emotions from others, but we can’t and we’re not supposed to hide them from ourselves. But don’t pretend to be happy if you’re not.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

Explain through an example?
I remember I talked to you before as well on a Thread.😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

YEAH we talked
don’t know why i am feeling the same again i had a nice weekend and everything and suddenly from morning i am feeling not good ,tensed .
nothing sort of happened still i am feeling the way i used to feel. i am not getting good sleep from last three days in the middle of the night i get up .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

So, the tension and all is because of work schedule or personal reasons means emotionally/mentally?

Used to, can you mention it again, please? Sorry, can’t recall it clearly.


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