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Feeling so suffocated.
(Just a typical indian girl)
😢 Can’t go outside
Can’t even stand at the door
Don’t talk too loud
Being criticised for literally nothing
Still they expect me to be mature
And that its all for your own good
Clothes(don’t let me start on all that)
Don’t talk to boys
Don’t even have eye contact with them
Let me learn how to drive, but never let me drive. What was the use of that, then?

Tired of being blamed as im the youngest
If i talk too less, they think they can control me
Don’t lock your door (what privacy, they wn’t understand)
Just a small mistake(nope you did the worst thing in the world)
Repeat all mistakes from the last ten years

No matter how hard is all this, I won’t give up
Im a mf queen and this Queen is gonna do whatever she wants❤️‍🔥

Profile picture for Now&Me member @miss_nyaaw
Profile picture for Now&Me member @zaid_khan_2000
20 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @miss_nyaaw

Miss_Nyaw💛🤍 @miss_nyaaw

Love you queen!!! A genuine empress!!! 🔥🔥💛✨

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jassie77

Jasspreet @jassie77



Haha, last line. Go for it girl. Be a revolutionary!

Manthan @manthankhetade

You can do it girl!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @zaid_khan_2000

Be the queen 💕😊

Abhi @maverick02

Life is all about a keeping a balance between everything. You need not to be revolutionary in one go. You just have to make small small changes in ur daily life which can be easily accepted by all. Respect your elders and at the same time respect your inner wishes too. Keep a balance between both and gradually you will find that there is no one is opposing the change. Rather they will be fine with it. But you turn out to be revolutionary there are chances that things might not turn out to be good. So try to keep a balance.


And if they criticize you when you’re trying the hardest you can?
And i was not gonna like run away from my home or disrespect them. The first thing is that im studying for them and 2nd for me. So ofc i try to balance it all out.


What are you trying to do. And criticism is not always bad. At times it is done to bring the best out of you. Understand the crux of their talks. It’s not what they want you to be for then…it’s about what they want u to become for urself. I know at times things are tough in the first place…but there is always a second face of every coin. In your last line you wrote that u r a queen…certainly true…and queen is the one who drives things peacefully, keep her hopes high, and always have patience as her ally. Rebellion attitude is an act of a impatient common people and not of a queen!



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SSS-level difficulty dare🤣🤣

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

A queen does not listen to the dares given by a peasant🤣🤣

[Just a joke…☺️]


Privacy my foot 🦶
Doodh ke daat🦷 tute nhi PRIVACY chahiye inko…😂😂😜


The spirit you had showed at the end was awesome yaar… go blast the boundaries ☺️☺️☺️


You are a Real Queen @Jaspreet 🙌


Love yourself and go girl ❤️


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