Julie @jdj2020
Feeling so much panic right now. My husband got upset with me on Sunday for something I thought was trivial, but I think he made it into a bigger deal by bringing up other instances of him being unhappy with me and said really hurtful stuff. Now it’s Wednesday night and he is ignoring me altogether - even in front of our children. It is so painful and I have no idea how to get him to talk to me without blowing up again. This has happened now and then in the past but long stretches between incidents - so I feel like everything is normal and our relationship is good and
then - BAM! I’ve found what works best is waiting until he’s over it and starts talking but it’s taking so long and I just feel so horrible. Every time he does this it’s always a surprise to me bc it’s initiated by something I do or say that never seems like a big deal to me at the time.
Julie @jdj2020
I think so, too, but I don’t think I could get him to recognize that. He had a tough childhood and I think it all stems from that, but if I try to explain that that isn’t normal behavior, he thinks I’m saying I’m perfect and never do anything wrong or thinks I’m overreacting!
Julie @jdj2020
Thanks for your thoughtful reply. I was going to say more but I think I just need to think about things!
rajnesh @raj33
Don’t decide or think of anything bad now. Please wait and when things are normal, then have a conversation with him.