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3am ThoughtsThought

Maddy @cosmicsoul

Feeling restless. Anyone up to share their thoughts !!

16 replies

sophie @imogen

What gets you going? What satisfies your restlessness?

Maddy @cosmicsoul

Work is what gets me going. But, I am still trying to figure out, what satisfies my restlessness. I guess, that’s the irony. I can’t figure out.

sophie @imogen

Have u tried not thinking about it? I know it’s not that easy,they still pop up but…🤷‍♀️

Maddy @cosmicsoul

Oh, trust me. I have tried and failed everytime.

sophie @imogen

How about going somewhere,like on a trip something?😬

Maddy @cosmicsoul

Yeah. That’s one respite. But, for how long !

sophie @imogen

As long as you need,you know better😊

Prerna Garg @prerna01

How are you feeling ?

Maddy @cosmicsoul

Lost. Like it’s empty inside me. All silent.

Prerna Garg @prerna01

So what are things that calms you down ?

Maddy @cosmicsoul

Music, for one. Reading. And I guess nature photography.

Prerna Garg @prerna01

Than do the things that keep you alive, that keeps you calm.

Maddy @cosmicsoul

I try. It helps for a while. But, all that darkness creeps back inside after a while.

Prerna Garg @prerna01

Well you know what dear, you can keep urslf busy all day but when at night you hit the bed all the thoughts comes running back to you yeah i know that feeling but again there will be a new sunny day right. And again you will be okay. So hang in there.

Maddy @cosmicsoul

That’s what keep me going. But, it’s difficult to go through the silences of night. It hits you back and you go into swirl all over again. And you feel sorry for yourself.

Prerna Garg @prerna01

Yeah but that’s life right. You can’t run from it. What is life without any ups & downs. See it from the point of view of the universe. Trust me god will never give you more pain than you can handle. He know what you are capable of.


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