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Profile picture for Now&Me member @drishtigupta

Drishti Gupta @drishtigupt...

Feeling positive about Stretch Marks! Felt like sharing it here :)
I think freckles, tattoos, stretch marks, bruises, birthmarks and scars are the coolest thing ever. You started off as a blank canvas. Look at you now, all this evidence that you lived.
What exactly are stretch marks?
A stretch mark is a type of scar that develops when our skin stretches or shrinks quickly. The abrupt change causes the collagen and elastin, which support our skin, to rupture. As the skin heals, stretch marks may appear.
Not everyone develops these narrow bands on their skin. Fluctuating hormone levels seem to play a role. You may also have a higher risk if people in your family get stretch marks.
People often feel dissatisfied with their stretch marks, associate them with a feeling of shame. But the reality is that stretch marks are an evidence of our body’s ability to grow and accommodate change.
The change is beautiful and so is your body. Embrace it. Afterall, change is the only thing in life which is constant.
So called flaws and imperfections are just a state of mind.
Life is too short to be in war with yourself and your body. You are you and that’s beautiful.
Remember, “Your body is not ruined, you’re a tigress who has earned her stripes”
Do you guys agree?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @simranpatel
10 replies

so trueeee??


So proud of you for putting this across!




I know right!

Shubhang @shubhang

Agreed completely.

Gaurvi Narang @gaurvinaran...

Thank you for sharing this positivity today!

Rashmi @rashmimalhotra

Totally agree. Thanks for sharing this positivity


so true. so inspiring.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @simranpatel

Simran Patel @simranpatel

I absolutely agree! The quote you mentioned is so empowering?


Wow… that quote made me smile… thanks… I needed it😊


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