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Feeling low since October, I find myself crying to bed every night, about what you may ask? The thought that I might never get a job . People around me and my friends are scoring these amazing jobs through placement and here I am self doubting myself . I cry because the thought of not getting one scares me , I can’t share this with my parent even though they are supportive about the fact and often say “ I’m just a 20 year old kid and what’s the hurry” , but you’re getting my point right? You feel like a burden after a point , you want to do something coz they’ve done everything for you.
And the worst part is the people who I feel are genuinely dumb are getting everything that I’ve ever wanted very easily,. Then why am I struggling?
Each day I pull myself from the dark failure point and tell myself I got this and I will get a job.
But will I ? What’s my future is gonna look like. I’ve stopped enjoying the little things in life because of this and there are only 2 things that keeps me happy - gymming and my dog.
Who to tell , how to tell afterall people have one thing to say “ dw hojyega tension mat le” :,)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @winchester
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @winchester

dean @winchester

omg i can relate way too much with you


We’re on same boat boo

thesassysenorit... @krish98


I can really understand how you’re feeling right now.

I’ve been there too! I can feel it. The pressure when everyone around you are getting placed, your friends celebrating their new jobs. Of course we’re happy for them but here’s the thing, we have this inner voice talking to us, Why am I failing in the interviews, Am I that dumb? Blah blah blah. Questioning our whole worth right. But that’s not the truth.
We’re really smarter and stronger than we think.
There was this time…
I used to sit and cry at nights. All my friends cleared interviews, got jobs now they’re free. I’m still yet to get placed, struggling under pressure.
But you know what, finally I got job (may be quite late) … but not one, I got jobs in 3 companies!! That what the best feeling ever.
You will be there too! I’m telling you, that was not easy. Obviously we need to put in some efforts, we have to be very patient.
Luck and hard-work … both is needed!
You will get what you want and need ! 🔜

We have to understand the fact that, each one’s timeline is different!
Your time will come. ❤️ Till then, never stop putting efforts 💯
Also, it’s been 2 years. I’m working in a MNC now. And things are very hard right now.
Later in life, If you look back, you will realise and understand everything!
Keep in mind… Everything happens for a reason 😇
You know what, this is a temporary phase of life. You will get through this soon. 😌


🥺 I know it’s just a phase and this too will pass but it’s so hard it’s so damn hard to pull yourself together and apply to that another job and not get a response.
Thanks for this I definitely needed that


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