Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Feeling low …
I don’t know why daily same thing happening…there isn’t anything changing in my life…
Just getting up
Doing daily activities ., having food …unproductive study…boring day…
Thousands of negative thoughts going in mind…
Then again goinf to bed …
Feeling negative and low all the time

Profile picture for Now&Me member @consecrate
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @makatza
9 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @consecrate

Abhishek @consecrate

It’s all due to negative thoughts , give positive thoughts to brain yaa by reading some best books , which will teach you to live happily , once your brain and body reaches the level of happiness . everything else will be ok yaa


I am having the same problem as you do! I’m preparing for competitive exams as well. I have around 1 year left. In that 1 year I have to study other subjects apart from the one I’m studying. so time is very big concern. Every time I wakeup, I feel bored… don’t feel like doing anything. Unproductive and lazy. but why? For a second, I thought about this.
why am I lazy? why? if others can do it, why can’t I? I was filling up with negative thoughts such as : I cannot do this, I won’t get the result I’m looking for and so on. and it would continue.

so, I tried to understand. Ask your self : why am I unproductive? and feel bored? Find solutions for these. I found out that I was constantly thinking about negativity. Hence, I would think about positivity. eliminating negative thoughts from the next day onwards. This simple thing help me a lot. Also,I would reward my self for accomplishing tasks like going for a movie, etc. when I get bored or feel very unproductive, I think about how time is precious and limited it is. today I had a chance to complete the task.
To sum up, Keep finding solutions to the problems. many people just brag about problems than finding solutions. sit, relax, think about it for a while and see how you can make it better. ✌️


I will do the same😊… hope for the better results…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Try to go for some walk in garden and meet friends if possible…that way it will help


Thq for this … frendz to nahi hai preparation phase ma alag hona padta sabse …
but garden idea is superb

Profile picture for Now&Me member @makatza

aadira @makatza

Try to do at least one thing or your hobby which makes you happy in the day. It helps a lot to cope up with things.


Gud 💡 idea😊


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