Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Feeling lonely, confused, depressed, week, overwhelming like all those feelings sinking up on me all at once. Does anyone experienced it before. You feel like the whole world is collapsing. Been acting confident all day. Couldn’t even concentrate on my work because of this.

Why does it always has to be me

7 replies

Coz of overthinking of many things at once that’s why


Yea I guess, but helping yourself to stop from overthinking, isn’t that hard too

Samrat @samrat_roy

I understand it’s tough to wear that mask on… Trust me i do the same. But it’s better to use that mask than opening in front of people who would barely understand and that would eventually break us


You got me, thanks for understanding


Happy to be there if you need someone to express yourself and understood…


You’re not alone now. Always here if you want to share.


This means a lot to me 🥲


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