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Feeling lonely and bored and I do not know how to navigate this, how to understand or do anything in life. I feel so unproductive lately??? Too bad about myself always because I am lagging to find in life with everyone I am feeling lonely and bored feeling always incapable of making friends are doing anything good and everyone my age is doing so much better than me- A 20 something year old is supposed to have everything together have friend have fun have life have parties have fun sessions but I am bored and just sitting at my parents house doing nothing??? Always feeling lonely and bored I do not know what to feel I what to do I do not know where my life is going and I feel very very lost everyday I feel like having conversations with people but I don’t have people around me to have conversations with I am really scared and I do not feel like I have it in me to continue like this??? Feeling bored and lonely and I am always feeling this way because I don’t have people around me and I do not know the solution to it. If anyone knows what to do then please tell me??? Help me understand how life works without being able to put in effort because I do not have the motivation to do anything- Supposed to grow like that is this what adulting is supposed to be I do not know if I want to be an adult???

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