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3am ThoughtsThought


Feeling like not to smile today. Not to talk to anyone. Why do my lovely people always make me feel that I am not important enough.? Like my existence doesn’t matter.

5 replies

Because we let them control our emotions.


Then in that case, we should lose all our good people , Acc to you!! , its not about letting them control us always, its about letting them know clearly that they are hurting me , silence pays for nothing lately :)


It’s not about losing. It’s about having a clear communication and not letting others be the the reason of your happiness or any emotion. Yes family friends do play a great role in that. But we need to learn how to manage our lives by ourself.


Okay, but in that process don’t loose the good ones in life , some people we meet accidently, and they become a part of our lives, and if our heart says that we should keep them, then we should despite of all ods, its rare :) good luck

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