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Feeling hopeless. How will life go ahead?!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ignoramus
4 replies

hey,its okay,this too shall pass

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ignoramus

Work through your hopelessness with charity, faith, and hope.

Just help others in any way, be it through words or actions.

Notice whenever your thoughts ruminate around self-pity and hopelessness.
You are the gift of life and God’s will for your existence means You are worth the effort. Stop rejecting help, be active than passive.

Recognise whenever your mind says “I can’t”. It’s actually an “I won’t”. Ask it if “I can’t” or “I won’t”. If it’s I won’t what is it that you are avoiding (due to fear or guilt).

Keep taking small actions, ask for help more often, show interest in life, Go into nature, and stop isolating. Get a pet or care for street dogs, feed them or pet them. This is therapeutic and it will decrease your depression and other forms of stress. Start encouraging others in need, a simple act of kindness goes a long way.
This make sense? Good luck on your journey ❤️



Profile picture for Now&Me member @ignoramus

You’re welcome.


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