Feeling anxious depressed suicide thoughts and my friends call me and was bullying me. Making fun of me.
First of all, they’re not your friends so first thing first block all of them. IMMEDIATELY.
I can’t man we have a grp of 3 friends and I always get targeted. And he is been my friend from 15 yrs and second is from 2 years.
Time means nothing when all they have to offer is ridicule or if they’re just bystanders to this ridicule. Do they value you so little or were the 15 years and 2 years a different timeline for them? Don’t stand this bulllshiiit, don’t take no shiit from no one cuz if you take it, they become conditioned to continue ridiculing and you just talking it silently
Then what should I do now?
Block all of them. Have a standard that you’ll hold your future friends to. Cuz you deserve open minded, loving, encouraging, like minded people who will truly enjoy your company and lift you up rather than pulling you down because they’re bored.
And the one who pull me down they own life is mess up man. I wish I could block them
Nothing is stopping you but yourself. Know your worth and value and the fact you’re letting them walk over you is you agreeing with them lowering your value