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Feel jealous seeing my friends uploading photos with their partners.

11 replies

!! @moonlight_h

Its way better to stay single than having wrong ones, so acha h single ho ._.


Ohh okay but we can get the right one’s too? Isn’t it

!! @moonlight_h

Yeah surely, but its always better to wait for the right ones than ending up crying.


Bro fr … Was with a wrong one i felt like stabbing my chest(literally) the whole time (in the late months)

!! @moonlight_h

See, exactly and then our way of seeing relationships entirely changes!
Some things destroy you literally.


Were attracted to toxic people . Who make ur heart skip a beat but then in the next moment make u feel weak .


True buddy , now im finding very hard to trust people .

!! @moonlight_h

ik how it gets, but hopefully things get better bud. Hugs your way ❤

!! @moonlight_h



I think its simple . trust is like glass if u drop it , it cracks but if u do it again it breaks n can never be repaired.


Thanks mann apreciate it . Also its been more than 2months n shes started dating too but to me it feels like im stuckk.


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