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Profile picture for Now&Me member @haley_112

Haley @haley_112

Falling into a really dark place. I have no appetite. All I do is cry and sleep. I’m just tired…that’s all.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @haley_112
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @haley_112

Haley @haley_112

Thank you

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I can relate. I went trough this too. Let me tell nobody cares. Try to so things which makes you happy.
Before sleeping do something what makes you feel tired and sleepy. For example a workout. You can also read something until you fall asleep. Just distract yourself.


Omg, same, at one point I used to do that, like literally, listening to music, crying all night, sleeping the whole day, I know how bad it can get, you feel like no one understands, rather no one wants to understand. Look, I can’t say that it’ll all change In a day, but, if there is one thing that could help me, like actually work, was finding something I enjoyed doing( painting in my case) … I’m telling you, nobody could really help me, therapists, parents, friends, no one… and literally nobody gives a shit… eventually I realised I’ve gotta take care of me, cause no one is coming to save me, and rn also, I won’t say I’m completely healed, I still get depressive episodes sometimes, where I over eat/ lose motivation to get out of bed/ hate everyone, but the only difference is that now I’ve realised that I don’t care if anybody understands or not, if I’m feeling depressed, I simply am, nobody can tell me I can’t feel a certain way… I’ll suggest you to first acknowledge that you’re not okay and then imagine the kind of life you’ve always wanted to live, and take one small step towards it, JUST ONE … it could be as simple as getting dressed up in your fav outfit

Profile picture for Now&Me member @haley_112

Haley @haley_112

Thank you so much


Why dont you write your blog haley ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @haley_112

Haley @haley_112

I don’t have the motivation to do so right now…sorry.


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