Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Everything was okay . After evening my boyfriend did a video call , we are not even in a proper relationship . He has a girlfriend he use to talk to her also . They have interreliogion issues may be. So he is trying to shift , but with me he is not happy , I don’t fulfill his needs. I don’t want to do this actually , it’s make me worthless . How can I love again and again , people leave , they leave for many reasons , even if you give your heart and soul . Life is so uncertain . I loved and lost. Trust issues increasing each day , I feel angry at silly things. If anyone thing , one person understand you , may be it’s enough to live. But I have become pessimistic , life throws stones for my each expectation. Sometimes I just don’t feel or feel worthless at times , sometimes I feel optimistic , so much of mixed feelings , thoughts , uncertainty and in this I am really seraching me , I am really trying hard to live .

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I am trying hard .

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

I am trying to connect these dots , but eventually I waste all my time by my overwhelming emotions for people.

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

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