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Everything was messed up literally, then a call from her ❤ Every problems n anxiety got fade away 🙇‍♂️🫂 body k pain k liye painkillers is best but for heart’s pain she is the best❤

5 replies

I can relate to u bro😶




U seem quite happy after the call happy fryaa😁😁but i want to tell u one thing something which i struggled with , don’t give the key of your happiness to a person 😶 this line has a deep meaning if u can understand


I got u brother 🤝 I understand what r u trying to say , yeah its true that with her I feel like never before but she is not the only who gives me that vibes I got some passion which gives me happiness same as her so it’s okay😁


Wow thts amazing bro😁😁😁I’m happy fr u!!!


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