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Self LoveThought

Writer @misswriter2244

Everything about me
I like to express myself by words,
Rather playing with people’s emotions,
I never hated a person,
Till the other one had done such actions.

I like those kind of people,
Who listens to me and starts a conversation,
Which is full of sweetness and cuteness,
Instead of ignoring and harsh words.

I don’t like to show off,
And the one who does I knock off,
Though some tough period came,
But haven’t lost my hope and done my best.
- Written by Miss Writer

9 replies
This thought has been deleted by the thought author

U straight or theres chance for us like u n me?

Writer @misswriter2244

What you’re saying?


Ntng bro was hitting on u 😂🙂

This thought has been deleted by the thought author

Writer @misswriter2244

Yeah you caught me


Do you have any hint about thing you are facing, so I can help you


I too don’t know


Why what you can help me?


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