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Learning DisabilityThought


Everyone here, how do you learn science?? I mean… expect writing whatever in the book or copy… I mean how can I understand it?? And then write it in my own words…the same with formulas?? How can I learn it easily??? Any advice?

2 replies

In high school, I had a perfect GPA and I am like the laziest and I didn’t really study that much; but the things that worked for me are:
- concentrating 100% in class gets 80% of the work done, trust me you’ll understand better by focusing on the teacher’s explanation than by learning by yourself
- learning through exercises; you cannot learn anything especially formulas if you don’t understand how they’re used in solving problems. if there’s a tricky way to apply them or like a tip that not a lot of people know about, you’ll also learn about it by solving problems.
I hope it was helpful

Sanket @sanket

You need to understand how things works in order to learn science. Visualization, feeling the concepts, such things also helps


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