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Eleena @hannael

Everyday I’m pushing myself to do stuffs like doing my assignments going to the gym but honestly i don’t even want to get out of my bed. Family who looks down on me. Friends all who left because i can’t be happy and jolly like i use to be before. For others I’m just a arrogant person who thinks highly of herself but here I am who just want to be loved. I have been trying to reach out to people. Anyone. Since 2 years. I just can’t. I can’t even afford therapy or anything to get myself checked. I just don’t want to live a life like this. With no meaning or purpose.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sad_sapien
Profile picture for Now&Me member @chim27
10 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sad_sapien

the great @sad_sapien


Hey just take deep breath.

Eleena @hannael


It’s really tiring and lonely and 2yrs is pretty much a long time and i just feel like I’m wasting the days when i should be happy over something i can’t even exactly express

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sad_sapien

the great @sad_sapien


So, why are u not taking actions ? If u really want something, go get it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sad_sapien

the great @sad_sapien


Is there something that is preventing you?

Eleena @hannael


I was a very extrovert person but due to some events, i just can’t talk to people or interact. I am trying everyday till today and i know i will tomorrow but i can’t even improve myself and it sucks seeing myself like this.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sad_sapien

the great @sad_sapien


So , what are u currently doing , I mean are u studying in school, cllg or r u working?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sad_sapien

the great @sad_sapien


Don’t be so rough on yourself

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sad_sapien

the great @sad_sapien


See, I get that u want to be loved because I want to feel the same way every single time.but, u know life doesn’t give us everything u want.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @chim27

Meera @chim27


First of all just relax…
Now listen here your main problem is you are trying to find your happiness in others.
Do that which actually makes you happy like listening music which give happy vibes like other thing which doesn’t include any person.

And second try to not except anything from anyone.
People give no value to the stuff which is easily available. So stop pleasing everyone…
You are not born to impress everyone…

Give your love and time to those who actually value you in same way…

I know some peoples whose own happiness lies on people happiness… So just spread positive vibe, love, care but do not except anything to get return because no one is like you…(nowadays people don’t care about others but you do that’s why you are nice person)

I hope you will get heal from your problem
Take care 🍁


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