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Everyday I block out these feelings of worthlessness and try to stay positive, I keep my head high and smile for the people around me. Often when I’m in my head I just don’t want to be around anymore… it’s happening more and more often and with all these people around me who care I’ve never felt so alone…

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @midnight_thinkr

Vyom Aran @midnight_thinkr

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hanmin @crysen

Hey, I hear you. Sounds like you’re in a place that expects you do do lots of stuff you don’t feel good / confident about.

What’s your greatest worry about slipping up? Or if that doesn’t fit with you, what kind of thoughts do you have about worthlessness?

Not really trying to offer a fix, just wondering if it helps to be able to put the anxieties into concrete thoughts. These things fester and grow when they aren’t faced and we often get to a point where they need to come out for a bit.


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