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Every time when we had sex you kissed me on forehead and promise me I won’t leave you no matter what happen. But now u decided to leave me. Just because u can’t voice out with your family. You left me with memories and you going to create a family with the girl you married. How u can do this to me ? I never expecting anything from u just a loyalty and love. I don’t know how I will come over from this.

10 replies

It’s a terrible thing to happen. I hope you have the strength to go through this.


I don’t have any strengths 😭😭😭😭


It’s okay to feel that way. It will change with time. Do you wanna talk about it more ?




Go on then . Tell me what you want to


I don’t know. I just can’t accept the fact he cheat me. I just hoping he back to me. My message ignore. No calls. But when last time I asked you still want me or not. He asked me to wait But I heard from mutual friend he agree to get married. I really don’t know what going on his mind.


I’m sorry to tell you this : but if he’s ignoring calls and messages and has agreed to marry someone else then he is not coming back to you. You can give one last chance to meet him again but don’t have your hopes high. If he refuses , you move on. Prepare your mind for this and don’t have any hopes.


He left so much memories. I still can not find reasons to hate him. Still finding a reasons to hate him !!! I’m 29y he is my first love. I don’t believe in love before I told him this. He promised me. He is different.


It’s your first time falling in love. So it’s natural you feel this way. I have pretty much told you the truth of what’s gonna happen. You’re making it difficult for yourself now by not accepting the truth (frankly I understand why you doing this, since it’s your first love and you invested big in it). All I want you to know is, be aware . I’m gonna leave you for now but remember you can always lean back on people here when you need them)


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