Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Every night I cry myself to sleep, almost every time I come home from school I sit on the floor and hug my pillow, crying and yelling in it, I hit my head against the wall, and I press my nails in my skin until it hurts. I want someone I can talk to, someone that will hear me out, bc when I try to tell my closest friend, she tells me that everyone has problems, and I get that, but I just need you to listen to me, that’s all. And today I found out that I have some blood sugar shit, and if I don’t lose weight I have a chance of not being able to have kids, and I want to have kids, and if I don’t lose weight I will have diabetes, and I don’t want diabetes. I’m scared, I’m scared to eat anything, scared to gain weight, bc to get rid of the blood sugar shit I have I need to lose weight, not gain it.
Ps. Every time I cry I listen to sad music and I think I might be falling in some kind of depression. I really don’t know what to do at this point.
-hope u understood everything.

2 replies

Chinedu @happy_piano

Get yourself together. Find a way to start the change you need.
Talk to me if you want to.


Thank you for your help!


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