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Every month my family call me for money and then i send them some money. From some days due to some reason i do not have money and unable to send them. Now every one is talking to me very rudely.
I can not express how bad i am feeling.

I think if i stop earning then i will be of no use to them.
I am feeling very lonely and broken.
Pls suggest what to do, as i am unable to focus on anything.

6 replies

Kya hua. Where do u stay…? And u send money monthly?

Yashwant @tinyspeck

Maybe keep doing what you do for your family. Parents appreciate the gesture very much. The others who talk bad about you… you can very well cut them out of your life.


who r taking rude to me are my parents brother.

Yashwant @tinyspeck

Stay away from them as well.

Mona @hgfyingff

Life is tough, its not easy to discard your own family from your life. They can be selfish. Sometimes you have take stand for yourself but without feeling guilty.

Do what’s right and what makes you feel happy.


Thanks for your guide.


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