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Profile picture for Now&Me member @ally_ofc

ally @ally_ofc

Ever since I was really little, my dad has told me that “boys are a waste of time” and they’ll distract me from school. But then he has the audacity to tell me that “when I get married” or “when I have my own kids” I’ll understand whatever he’s talking about.
I know for certain that he is the roof of my commitment issues and he’s scared me away from ever being in a relationship, or close to people in general.
He’s started telling me about how miserable adults who aren’t in relationships (mainly those who don’t have kids) are. How they’ll never know the true happiness and purpose that comes with raising a child or nurturing a relationship, as if he hasn’t caused me to be exactly like those people.
I am asexual (I don’t experience sexual attraction), so it’s bold of him to assume I’d give him blood-related grandchildren in the first place.
In addition to that, I’ve expressed my disinterest in children of any age. Every time I’m told a sentence that starts with “when you have your own kids…”, I say that the thought of raising a child:
1. Scares me
2. Doesn’t sound worth it to me
But my parents don’t listen. My mom’s told me I’d get over it, but I’ve felt this way since I was 8-or-so. They just can’t comprehend that I don’t like spending time with kids, don’t like the thought of being pregnant, and don’t like them telling me that I WILL and I MUST have kids being that I’m only a teenager.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @crazzy_vikram
15 replies

Puttu @priyaraj55


Akshi @akshhi


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Akshi @akshhi

Howr u

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Akshi @akshhi

Yeah I’m good

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Akshi @akshhi


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lovekesh @nova777


Profile picture for Now&Me member @crazzy_vikram

VIKRAMAN R @crazzy_vikram

I think your parents are right. You should obey for their suggestion, because you are a tennager so, you don’t know who is good or bad…

Arfa Ali @raya14

I understand what you are saying as I have also been raised like that and I have been feeling the same as you.


Why does they talk about children when u r only teen and having kid is your own decision when u r at the age , and if it’s about sexuality it’s your choice ,but as a teen it’s too much to think about kids n other stuff i think u should let everything and everyone out of your mind n focus on what u want


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