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3am ThoughtsThought

tsuki @akii_45

Ever felt lonely , like you cant trust anybody other than your family , none of your friend is worthy of your kindness , loyalty🙄🥲 anybody?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dexter0911
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @dexter0911

Mr. Wick @dexter0911

every one is worthy of my kindness and loyalty .
but trust is for selected people


trust is something to be earn


yes many times

tsuki @akii_45

How to feel better


Yes, but that feeling is temporary and I don’t think ALL the person ever existed are cheaters!

Either we are taking tiny things and complaining about it or we just don’t want to know their side of the story!

Forgiveness is way to make relationship I don’t say you have to take shit or toxicity but we need to put ourselves in someone’s shoes sometimes!

It’s not a good idea to have no one! I think human helps human! They are lovely and useful❤️

tsuki @akii_45

I know its a temporary feeling , and i just want to sleep , but can’t


Watch a feel good movie! You watch “dear zindagi” (my fav)

Either you would be top bored that you will get sleep or you would fall in love with that movie
There is no in between

tsuki @akii_45

Thnx buddy 🥲


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