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Ever faced a mid life crisis like waking up in the middle of night and thinking where have you , what are you doing with your life and then you are realise that nobody is there for you , you have to manage everything alone…
Would like to have different perspective …

7 replies

Yeah i had these kind of things many times in my life


Then whats the first thing you do ?


I tried to keep myself busy uk bcoz if i keep myself busy i wont remember any of it. And at night i try to sleep early. Bcoz if ill sleep early i wont overthink. Now some would say listen to songs. No you you shouldn’t alteast few days until you get better because songs are about emotions and can create certain scenarios in our mind which wont happen ever in your life leading to overthinking and bcoz of such scenarios we think we are less. So avoid songs for few days, watch some series uk get some new stuff in your mind. Get yourself a schedule and get busy


Actually m not fond of series ,it consumes lots of energy but i love reading books and music is healer for me ,its like a food for my soul and these days m working on multiple things but even then i feel like m missing out something , missing out on people that drives me crazy. I always crave for good friendship thats the only reason for anxiety and overthinking these days



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I know its overthinking but these days its really hard to cop up with that and music is saviour ( food for soul)


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