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Even when everything is over why do i still cling to a hope? A false hope?

9 replies

because thats comforting .


All the comforts are gone when reality slaps you in the face!


It’s just you don’t want to accept it. Even if you are yelling from the top of the lungs that you’re accepting, you are not!!


How shall I accomplish the task of acceptance? Because this seems so hard. And the hope that things could change is killing me.


Well everything takes time to heal. No matter how badly you got betrayed. Acceptance can be accomplish when you start focusing on urself. When u got no time for thinking about the person who betrayed u, it will help u get heal soon. Get urself busy with u. It will not be easy but you have to do it for urself!! I believe in you!! I’m here rooting for uh!


I have tried everything. I can stay busy and not think. But till when? The moment I’m alone with my thoughts it goes back to them


As I said healing takes time. You need to very calm and patient about it. I know that is a very tough task, but u gotta do that. We never forget the betray we’d felt but we made ourself strong enough to feel that pain in ease. It’s all about the damn time. U have to go through the tough phase of ur life too…

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