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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought

Kanu @justneedtotalk

Enough of virtual friends and these friendships don’t last for many days need some friends in real life too 😐😐

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Kanu @justneedtotalk


How to make real friends I am very bad at it

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Kanu @justneedtotalk


Yes I know but how to start I mean how you get to know with whom you can interact

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seabirtha sane @mis


I never believed it to be true… I thought my besties will stay with me for life. Some are getting married getting busier, some are going abroad. Everything changes. You stop living with your parents. Kids grow up and move out. So now I want to get married at the earliest.

Kanu @justneedtotalk


I also had many friends whom I thought they would be there with me but life has other plans their priorities changed friendship is not a matter for them and when you lost many friends it’s not an easy to trust the new ones cause you find that bond everywhere but one thing in life I have realised that friends do matter and we can’t share everything with family so we need friends


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