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Profile picture for Now&Me member @mitama

ItsMeKei @mitama

Ending my day just like i ended it yesterday. The difference was, i think i can sleep earlier than yesterday.

Thanking those rare ones who comforted me today. I hope i can comfort you all back soon. Virtual hugs to all of you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mitama
4 replies

Amit Dipoo @_rahul



Try to do something different so you wont have thoughts like today was just like yesterday.
To break the usual routine you need to change you perspective of looking at things but changing perspective is a difficult thing so you need to do something that will subconciously change your perspective about life
Example -you can read autobiographies
Bcz autobiigraphies tells us about authors perspective/view of life
You can watch foreign comedy shows where sense of humour are different
(Korean show - running man)
You can try other things which are convenient for you but these things must
atleast be able to get rid of your usual state of mind

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mitama

ItsMeKei @mitama

Thank you. Ill try it out. By the way i love running man 😊

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