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Empty, I feel like living the world, my parents aren’t supportive, there’re telling me to leave the house, I’m 21, just graduated, looking for a job, my cat just got lost, I’ve shifted to a new place a month my dad’s a service tax officer, and they’re angry on me just bcz I had a boyfriend

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Your life is worth more than all this. You are 21 and you have your entire life to build upon. Your parents might be angry at you, but definitely they don’t want to see you leave. Just stay focused on your career for now, put all your energy to get a job and I’m 100% sure, everything else will fall in place. No negative thoughts.


Lack of support from our own parents feels terrifying. The two people we always took for granted that no matter what, even if the whole world turns against us, we believe them to be on our side. And when it appears that they too don’t support us, it is heart wrenching. I feel you. I might not have gone through the same thing you’re going through right now. But I have had similar experience. That shit is just soo low. I felt this is the end. There is no coming out of this. But, this too will pass. I know that sounds cliche. And if someone said the same to me when I was going through it, I wouldn’t cared any less. But it is true. Sometimes, our parents fail to show or give the right treatment. The actions or words that come out from them cause great damage to us. But we have to realize that all this is not because they don’t love us anymore. Trust me! They don’t hate you! Parents are emotionally incapable of not loving you. Never conclude that they hate you. Not even if they say it themselves. At the end of the day, our parents are humans too. And all this shit is happening because they are not able handle stuff. It is their inability. A flaw. Every human is flawed. Even our parents. And soon the love for you will bring their senses back to normal. I am not defending them. What they’ve done may be wrong. Absolutely. But they still love you. I really wish all this gets over real quick.
And if people say to you, that it’s just a cat. Stop whining about it. Fuck them. They don’t know the importance of a constant in life. It will come back to you. Never give up on that.
Hang in there, queen. There is a lot of life left. And you are going to have the most beautiful moments!


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