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During covid I was so lonely didn’t had any friends.So I had an online situationship.He was caring and all but now that we have broke up, I just feel ki I was his dirty little secret and he has just used my body.

This secret is too heavy for me. I can’t make good and strong friendships with anybody in college because of this.I feel very very bad.He used me under the name of care.

I can’t study can’t talk much. I feel sucidal…I feel bad

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @joker279
8 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Its really tough. Try managing your life and seek a counsellor if needed. I am sure you will do really good in your career and college. Make new friends as much as possible although its difficult. Take care




U didn’t even meet the damn guy . Move on

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Aww thankyou so much

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @joker279

Joker 😈😈😈 @joker279

I know it’s hard to trust anyone after being in a such situation but learn from that incident that you can trust people but only to some extent. Bound the limits … if you don’t do it then you will be getting into it without your notice . So just be confident, make friends and yeah be cautious too. Making friends isn’t bad but setting no boundaries in it can cause more .


If you feel to talk then do say and don’t feel alone.


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