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Profile picture for Now&Me member @bright_moon

Shri @bright_moon

Due to being unsuccessful in business, I went to Delhi and after going to Delhi, I started working in a private company. Everything was fine in Delhi, but due to illness and loneliness, I started getting more worried and I came back to my city. And after coming to my city, I started a private job again. Everything was fine in the beginning but then after that my manager started liking me and doesn’t agree even after I refuse. Because of all this, I started having panic attacks and my health also started going down. I left the job. Amidst all this there was no one to understand me. Nor could I tell the family. Nor did my boyfriend ever understand me on small things and I have only one best friend in my list of friends.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joker279
Profile picture for Now&Me member @bright_moon
8 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @joker279

Joker 😈😈😈 @joker279


If you have that best friend then just share all your sorrows and happiness with him or her … don’t have to be in relationship. But even best friends can be a heal

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bright_moon

Shri @bright_moon


Now I don’t even have the courage, I had to get into a relationship.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joker279

Joker 😈😈😈 @joker279


Well didn’t get that sentence I am confused lol
I mean are you saying you have to be in relationship or you don’t have courage to get into relationship?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bright_moon

Shri @bright_moon


I said that at that time even my boyfriend did not understand me. And now I am not in a relationship

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joker279

Joker 😈😈😈 @joker279


Okay okay got you …
Then do one thing. Spend time with yourself or share to someone whom you trust or feel like sharing. I mean the person whom you think will understand you well .


Hey, I can relate how this feels when there is no one to understand you, this phase will take time but you have to enjoy yourself, any hobby or anything that you always wanted to do. Just start that. Enjoy your alone time. Read books or do anything, move your body in your free time.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bright_moon

Shri @bright_moon



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