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Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia

Don’t you ever remember people you used to know (childhood friends, someone you met randomly years ago etc) and wonder where they are now? People who suddenly disappeared without leaving any traces as if they had banished, I sometimes worry about them. I wonder if they made it to where they wanted to, I wonder if they’re okay now. Idk sometimes these thoughts keep me up at night, it sounds stupid to worry about a kid who i met at a summer camp when i was 8 years old and whom i only share memories i can barely remember, now all i know is their name and maybe not even that, isn’t it crazy just how fast things change? Even tho i live in a small town where everyone knows each other i’ve managed to lose track of many people and even with the technology that exists today where everyone’s in social media i still haven’t managed to find them again.
Just some thoughts i was having today …

Profile picture for Now&Me member @highonrainbows
Profile picture for Now&Me member @potato_head
Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia
8 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @highonrainbows

Chimata. @highonrainbows

I have thought about that before. It hurts even more when you realize you didn’t share any forms of communication.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia

exactly, specially when it’s people you met one random summer when you were a kid there’s no way you could’ve kept contact with them, and even when i did have a phone, i remember this girl i used to be best friends with, we used to go to this summer dance camp together. We had each other’s numbers but i had a shitty phone that broke and i changed my number many times + she lived in another state, we were so so close for like 3 years but then she stopped showing up at the summer camp and i’ve never known from her. I hope she’s okay, i know she had family problems and her mom had cancer and she used to get very badly bullied at school, sometimes i just wanna know how all of that went, how things are now… :/ but there’s nothing we can do, life is like that someday you know someone and the next one you don’t.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @highonrainbows

Chimata. @highonrainbows

unfortunately. wish life wasn’t like that sometimes tbh. I hope she’s doing okay too.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia

yeah, it really hurts to know everything could once become nothing more than a simple memory :(

Profile picture for Now&Me member @potato_head

Mountain Guy @potato_head

I am still in contact with my childhood friend. He came into my life as a best friend. Best friends from when we used to pee together and didn’t knew how to hold pencils. They are the only friends you actually know.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia

i’m also still in contact with my childhood best friend, we’ve been like siblings since we were 5yo. it’s a special bond i cant seem to have with anyone else, however i’ve lost contact with lots of random ppl that for short periods of my then short life were important to me, i don’t even know where to find them now, who they are or what they’re doing. That’s what makes me a bit sad :(

Profile picture for Now&Me member @potato_head

Mountain Guy @potato_head

Well atleast you had a bond with them i really have school friends eho are your friends for one class and after high school literally no one talks to you but still i like the bond with my childhood friend. it’s the bond no one can break


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