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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

Don’t trust a woman’s word.

That’s it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @uhm_unknown
Profile picture for Now&Me member @yam
Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone
Profile picture for Now&Me member @davidcr7
30 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @uhm_unknown

lish @uhm_unknown

Keep going

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

I know, I’m unstoppable !

Profile picture for Now&Me member @uhm_unknown

lish @uhm_unknown

Oh so you trust a woman’s word now???

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

I trust myself only.

This thought has been deleted by the thought author

I don’t trust people who are hidden behind anonymity.


Take a break from speaking shit dude constantly posting your shit mentality

Profile picture for Now&Me member @uhm_unknown

lish @uhm_unknown

You are smart

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

Brag something else.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yam

👍 @yam

Can’t trust a man’s words either

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

Copy cat. Girl things. (Well can’t take it on serious note.)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yam

👍 @yam

Oh honey
Go find a better outlet for all your damaged emotions this isn’t the healthy way
After seeing all your posts i realised something must be very wrong with you are you’re just seeking attention which you obviously got
Be well👍

Profile picture for Now&Me member @uhm_unknown

lish @uhm_unknown

Poor little tate fans

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

Atleast you are happy, have it 🍬

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

Kitty ! Don’t just see the post, read them. Understand it and then you can comment you heart out.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @uhm_unknown

lish @uhm_unknown

Okay jokes apart
Some of your posts make sense, they are good (not all of them just a little)
The only thing that is literally not good for you and your future is the way you admire tate
Take a moment and read all the “woman” posts you have and imagine someone thinking like this about your sister, mother or daughter

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

1st I hate tate.
2nd. I’m raised by Devi
3rd. What I wrote about women is something you haven’t explored. I have travelled and interacted more than you have surfed and chat on internet. What you speak on comment is irritation or might be strong disagreement. But what I wrote is observed, studied and lived experience.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @uhm_unknown

lish @uhm_unknown

Bold of you to assume that I have only interacted with people online
I have social life and as a woman myself it’s hurtful to see what people specially guys say about us
I’m not playing the victim card here
I have, study and experience too
Being surrounded by women my entire life I have never seen any woman like the one you are talking about in your post
And I strongly believe that you are speaking what you have to hear on the internet.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

You have never seen a woman what I posted about, because they never say what they mean, their intentions, emotions, actions and behaviour all work differently. What I have wrote is about their intentions and actions to notice before approaching a woman you like or want in your life. Or relationship.


What is the context behind this?
I mean by just this statement what is it you want men to be aware of?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

It is useless to explain it to anonymous identity.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @davidcr7

David @davidcr7

Ok then explain now.
However I am not expecting you to have reasonable argument. Still try your best.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

Observe around, Experience can only explain. Not the lengthy essay-comment.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @davidcr7

David @davidcr7

I asked for explanation not a tricky way to avoid the confrontation; or is it that you don’t have any?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

I have, and I don’t find you worthy enough.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @davidcr7

David @davidcr7

😂😂 as expected. When someone don’t have anything to support his argument they do it. Run, as that’s all you can do.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

You are right 🤡


Very well said!!


I think you’re with a wrong woman

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

Not every thing you ‘think’ should be taken seriously.


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