Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Don’t know why but all bad things happen with me… I have no friends… I feel jealous when all my batchmate hang out and I sitting alone in room…:(

12 replies

The @kr_sna

Hey wanna chat ?


let’s do


So you’re in college or school ? boy or a girl ?

Roshan @rosh___

Hey, I feel the same too



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Hey buddy i feel the same most of the times too this way , r u an introvert , do u wanna talk or express ur emotions?, If yea u can message me bro/sis or reply to this chat


yaa bro

Yeshwanth @yeshuj3000

Buddy… I think this is the time you should use to build yourself stronger than what you are today…

Anyone who helps you progress in your growth are your true friends… Remember… your stronger than you are 😄


Same here


Try to make bro… I know it is easy to say but friends make our life happier Osgood and fun classmates


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